Marie just visited Jane in the forest, and she met with two cute elks. However, they got separated from their mother. They tried looking for her but to no avail.
Can you help make an Elk Bridge on your farm? This will keep them comfortable and nurture their growth. They also like to be near a water body with some good foliage. For your reward, you’ll get the cute and delightful baby Manitoban Elk and baby Albino Elk.
If you are level 15 or higher, the "So Fawned of You!" popup will appear. Click on the "Place Elk Bridge" button to begin this feature.
To build the Elk Bridge, you must first collect the materials you need.
Then, ask your friends to help finish it or hire builders using your Farm Bucks.
Once the building is complete, your charming Elk Bridge that befits the cute baby Elks will look like this:
Click on the building to view the two types of Elks: baby Manitoban Elk and baby Albino Elk. These baby Elks have a set of tasks that must be completed to win the rewards.
For the baby Manitoban Elk, you need to get 10 Alfalfa hay Cookies and 6 baby Elk formulas.
You can collect the Alfalfa Hay Cookies by clicking on the Post button to ask help from your friends.
To start making the Baby Elk Formula, click on the Make It button.
In the Crafting Workshop, you’ll find the items that you need to make the Baby Elk Formula.
Once the tasks are complete, you can now adopt the baby Manitoban Elk.
For the baby Albino Elk, you need to make 3 items: 6 Elk Blankets, 5 Hay Mats, and 8 Elk Plush Toys.
When you finish all the tasks, you can adopt the baby Albino Elk.
These adorable baby Elks can’t wait to stay on your farm! Hurry now and start completing the tasks!
The “So Fawned of You!” feature also brings something new in the County - a gift section in Cornelius’s Grocery Store!
In the gift section, you will earn Store Tokens by completing the quest tasks.
You can earn double the amount of Store Tokens when you finish the tasks within the time limit.
Keep track of the number of Store Tokens you have earned by checking the counter at the lower right side of the quest window.
Collect all the Store Tokens that you can and redeem them for rewards. See the rewards that you can redeem by clicking on the “View Rewards!” button.
In Cornelius’s Gift Store are many remarkable rewards that you can choose from.
Start completing the “Business As Usual!” line of quests and collect Store Tokens to redeem your rewards!
Completing tasks is now more exciting than ever!