Johnny recently visited the celebrations for the Little Norway Festival and wants to celebrate Nordic culture on the farm. He invites his friends Chief Sif and Shepherd Sami to organize the celebrations. They decide to build a Viking longboat and sail through the fjords.
The Nordic Excursion event starts on the 29th of April and ends on the 17th of May, giving you ample time to complete all of the event phases. Join Chief Sif and Shipwright Gabe as they build the biggest Longboat ever!
If you are at least Level 12, you will be invited to the Nordic Excursion event. You will need to force-close your game or reboot your device to see the update.
Be a part of this event by visiting the Viking Village, a small village flanked by a workshop and a tavern. The village is situated on a fjord.
The Nordic Excursion event is made up of 6 Phases. Enter the Viking Village to see all of the Phases that you need to complete.
Collect event items to finish each phase. Complete the phase to unlock rewards on your farm.
Boost: You will have the chance to get the Sea Breeze Boost where your farmhands will find double the rare event items!
Note: This does not guarantee that you will find rare items. It only doubles the rare Event Items you’ve found from foraging.
Temporary Place of Interest: Wilmar’s Workshop
Wilmar’s Workshop is a temporary area where you can find Rare and Uncommon ingredients needed to craft the event recipes.
For example, it will drop the Wild Apples needed in Phase 1.
Temporary Farm Hands: Chief Sif and Shipwright Sami
You can purchase Chief Sif and Shipwright Sami to help you during the event. You’ll have a greater chance of finding rare and special event items by using these Farm Hands.
Note: Chief Sif and Shipwright Sami are temporary Farm Hands and will only stay on your farm for the whole duration of the Nordic Excursion event.
New Items:
Phase 1 - Wild Apples and Elderberries
Phase 2 - Peas and Turnip
Phase 3 - Horseradish and Mackerel
Phase 4 - Barley and Leek
Phase 5 - Mustard and Brown Cheese
Phase 6 - Amber and Silver
Event Rewards
Phase 1: 8 Speed Seed and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 2: 3 Barn Nail and 8 Speed Seed
Phase 3: 2 Barn Padlock and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 4: 2 Barn Nail, 2 Barn Padlock, and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 5: 10 Key, 2 Silver Stamp, 3 Bronze Stamp, and Gold Stamp
Phase 6: Warrior Cat (Temporary Farm Hand can be used for 30 days)