Egyptian civilization is well known when it comes to being pioneers in the field of arts and food. Let us celebrate their endeavors with the Egyptian Sun Festival, where Hieroglyph Horus and Chefscavator Chara will study hieroglyphics to recreate the farms and foods of a great civilization.
If you are at least Level 12, you will be invited to the Egyptian Sun Festival event. You will need to force-close your game or reboot your device to see the update.
Join the celebration by tapping on the Fertile Valley, a temporary area that will improve its appearance as you progress in the event.
The Egyptian Sun Festival event will run from January 8, 2020 to January 26, 2020. There will be plenty of time for you to complete the 5 Phases of the event and win the Pharaoh's Feline farmhand for 30 days.
For each Phase, you will be crafting event recipes using rare and uncommon ingredients.
Temporary Place of Interest: Pharaoh’s Banquet
The Pharaoh’s Banquet is a temporary area where you can get Rare and Uncommon ingredients needed in each recipe. An example of an ingredient is the Figs that you will use in Phase 1.
Temporary Farm Hands: Hieroglyph Horus and Chefscavator Chara
To help you during the Egyptian Sun Festival event, purchase Hieroglyph Horus and/or Chefscavator Chara as Farmhands. They will give you a higher chance of finding rare event items and more!
Note: Hieroglyph Horus and Chefscavator Chara are temporary Farm Hands, and will only stay in your farm for the whole duration of the Halloween Day event.
New Items and where to get them:
Phase 1
Figs - Pharaoh’s Banquet, Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, and Prized Animals
Phase 2
Horseradish - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Fenugreek - Pharaoh’s Banquet
Phase 3
Marjoram - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Safflower - Pharaoh’s Banquet
Phase 4
Fava Beans - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Camel Milk - Pharaoh’s Banquet
Phase 5
Bronze - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Papyrus - Pharaoh’s Banquet
Phase 1 - 2 Barn Nail, 8 Speed Seed, and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 2 - 3 Barn Padlock, Sweet Tooth Pin, and 8 Speed Seed
Phase 3 - 3 Barn Nail, 4 Silver Stamp, 2 Gold Stamp, and 8 Golden Gloves
Phase 4 - 10 Key, 3 Gold Stamp, and 8 Golden Gloves
Phase 5 - Pharaoh's Feline