If you are at least level 13, you will see a pop-up inviting you to the Country Music Event! You will need to force close the game to see the update, which means to clear it from your mobile device's memory. You may even need to reboot your device.

You will have until 9/27/2015 to complete the Country Music Festival quests, and win Keys, Golden Gloves, Stamps, and more along the way!
If you've played the World's Fair of Farming Event, this will be similar with 5 phases giving out different rewards each phase.

Start off the quests by visiting the Event Grounds located behind Eagle Eye Eddie's airplane. The Event Grounds will guide you through the items needed in each phase, the rewards and tips.

There is a new temporary building to send your Farm Hands to, the Food Truck. You can send up to 2 Farm Hands to find rare goods for this event. Make Food Truck Vouchers in the Windmill which is needed to explore the Food Truck. You can find the Food Truck across the street from Eagle Eye Eddie.

Each phase will have quests each to guide you through what you'll need to complete it. Tap on the Quest Manager on the lower left of your game, to find quests.
New items needed and where to locate them:
- Food Truck Vouchers: Make in Windmill
- Paper Tray: Explore the Food Truck
- Portobello: Explore Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, or Prized Animals
- Cheddar Cheese: Tend Cows
- Cinnamon: Explore Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, or Prized Animals
- Caramel: Harvest Corn
- Black Tea Leaves: Explore Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, or Prized Animals
- Wax Paper: Explore the Food Truck
- Sap: Harvest Peach Trees
- Maple Wood: Explore Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, or Prized Animals
- Paper Cup: Explore the Food Truck
- Poplar Wood: Explore Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, or Prized Animals
- Mohair: Feed Goats
QUESTS: (quantities of items below are subject to change)
Country Music Festival (1 of 4)
- Visit the Festival Grounds
- Make Food Truck Vouchers in windmill
- Visit the Food Truck
Country Music Festival (2 of 4)
- Collect Portobello (explore Glade, Mine etc)
- Make Stuffed Portobello
- Cook up BBQ Portobello Burger in Stovetop
Country Music Festival (3 of 4)
- Visit Pappy's Pond
- Whip up Battered Fish in Stovetop
- Make Fish Sandwich
Country Music Festival (4 of 4)
- Collect Cheddar Cheese from Cows
- Cook up some Pan Fries
- Create Chili Cheese Fries
Make Sweet Music (1 of 4)
- Mix up some Cinnamon Sugar
- Make 8 Flour
- Make 2 Churros
Make Sweet Music (2 of 4)
- Prepare some Melted Caramel
- Pick some Apples
- Create some Caramel Apples in Stovetop
Make Sweet Music (3 of 4)
- Gather some Cinnamon (explore Glade, Pond etc)
- Whip up some Savory Batter in Dairy
- Bake some Elephant Ears
Make Sweet Music (4 of 4)
- Find some Caramel (harvest Corn)
- Make 6 Butter
- Make Caramel Popcorn
Green Room Jitters (1 of 4)
- Collect some Sap (peach trees)
- Make Glue in Windmill
- Craft Band Stickers in Loom
Green Room Jitters (2 of 4)
- Gather some Wool
- Make Neon Ink in Stovetop
- Craft Festival Beanies in Loom
Green Room Jitters (3 of 4)
- Make Midnight Ink
- Gather more Wool
- Craft Festival t-shirts
Green Room Jitters (4 of 4)
- Visit Grandma's Glade
- Find Black Tea Leaves (explore Mine, etc)
- Make Blackberry Iced Tea
Merryweather & Sons (1 of 4)
- Obtain more Food Truck Vouchers
- Craft Guitar Strings
- Craft Acoustic Guitars in Craft workstation
Merryweather & Sons (2 of 4)
- Gather Wool
- Explore Merryweather Mine
- Make Rhinestone Belt in Loom
Merryweather & Sons (3 of 4)
- Collect 5 Maple Wood
- Mine some Copper
- Build Drum Sets
Merryweather & Sons (4 of 4)
- Make sugar
- Harvest Potatoes
- Make Root Beer Floats in Dairy
Tough Act to Follow (1 of 4)
- Explore Merryweather Mine
- Collect some Poplar Wood
- Make Cowbells in Craft Workstation
Tough Act to Follow (2 of 4)
- Mine some Tin
- Craft Jingles
- Craft some Tambourines
Tough Act to Follow (3 of 4)
- Visit the Food Trucks
- Pick 20 Apples
- Make Country Cider
Tough Act to Follow (4 of 4)
- Find some Mohair (feed goats)
- Make some Trousers
- Craft some Jam Outfits
You can also purchase the temporary Farm Hand Loretta Love to help you during this event. She's good at finding the event items