Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm.
However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are just as dedicated to farming as you are, so we're lending our players a helping hand!
Every Friday, we will be creating a blog post that is designed to help you find new FarmVille 2 Neighbors! Just leave a comment below to let other players know you are looking for Neighbors and don't be shy about making some new friends.
Before you comment, please take a moment to read some quick guidelines:
Commenting Rules:
- Any comment in violation of the Terms of Service will be removed. A link to the Terms of Service can be found HERE.
- When posting, please be sure to include your profile link, or people won't be able to add you! When on Facebook, look in the upper right hand corner and click on your name. This is your profile page, and the only way others can find you. Once you are on your profile page, you will need to copy the URL in the browser address bar. Then you can paste that into your comment below this post.
- We encorage you to let others know what kind of farmer you are, and what kind of Neighbors you are looking for. Not everyone plays FarmVille 2 the same, so this information can be important!
- Please refrain from spamming the blog post with tons of "Add Me" requests. This makes it harder for people to find Neighbors and we may have to remove your comments!
Community Neighbors:
In addition to our weekly "Finding Neighbors: Add Me" event, we also offer the Community Neighbors feature! The Community Neighbors feature allows you to add Neighbors to your farm who are not your Facebook friends. That way, even if your Facebook friends don’t play FarmVille 2, you can still get in on the fun! Visit the guide for all of the details: Community Neighbors.
We hope everyone finds lots of new friends and Neighbors. Come back to visit us often!