Farming is more fun with friends! Level up faster and get a helping hand on your Farm by adding some Community Neighbors. The Community Neighbors feature allows you to add Neighbors to your Farm who are not your Facebook friends. That way, even if your Facebook friends don’t play FarmVille 2, you can still get in on the fun!
Why Should I Have Neighbors, Anyway?
Many tasks on your Farm will require help from your friends to complete, so having some reliable Farmers as Neighbors will be essential! Plus, more Neighbors means more gifts in your inbox each day, which helps you advance your Farm even faster. There are several different types of interactions you can have with other Farmers in FarmVille 2:
- When you are in need of help to complete tasks, you can post requests to your Facebook newsfeed. Your Neighbors can click on these requests to provide the assistance you need.
- You can click on your friends Facebook posts to get rewards such as Coins, Experience Points (XP), Fertilizer, and Baby Bottles.
- Send and receive requests for Free Gifts that you can use on your Farm.
- Send and receive Crew Member requests.
- Send and receive Builder requests.
- Visit FarmVille Neighbors’ farms to offer help in exchange for Coins and Resources (Water, Fertilizer, etc.).
You can see who your FarmVille 2 Neighbors are by looking at the bar located at the bottom of your screen in the game:
What’s the Difference Between a FarmVille Friend and a FarmVille Neighbor?
Friends and Neighbors are both really important to helping you farm, but you can interact with each one a little bit differently. Below is a breakdown of the different kind of fellow Farmers out there, and how they affect how you play the game:
- These are the people that you already have as Friends on Facebook. This means that you can post stories to your newsfeed from FarmVille 2, and these folks will see it. This group includes your Facebook friends who don’t necessarily play FarmVille 2.
- Your Friends are able to click on and interact with FarmVille 2 posts you put on your Facebook newsfeed. This includes clicking on your posts to claim items you’ve shared, like Coins, Fertilizer, and Baby Bottles.
- Your Friends are able to receive direct requests from you for items or help that you need on your farm.
- These are Facebook friends who you have specifically added as a Neighbor on your farm. You do this by sending them a Neighbor Request, which they will have to accept before they will appear as your Neighbor.
- You are able to help out on your Neighbor’s Farms in exchange for Coins and Resources! They will also be able to return the favor when they wish to do so.
- Neighbors are able to respond directly to requests you’ve sent to them. These could be requests for items or for help on your farm. These requests will go directly to their FarmVille 2 inbox (located on the upper right-hand corner of your screen, just above your Farm).
So what’s a Community Neighbor?
A Community Neighbor is special because they do not have to be your Facebook friend to be your Neighbor in FarmVille 2.
Let’s say you don’t have that many Facebook friends, and the ones that you do have don’t log onto FarmVille 2 as much as you do, or at all. You don’t want to miss out on all the farming fun just because your friends aren’t playing, so participating in the Community Neighbors feature will help you enjoy the game to its fullest.
To protect your privacy, Community Neighbors will not be able to see any of your newsfeed posts, post on your Timeline (Wall), send you Facebook messages, or add you as a Facebook friend (unless you choose to accept their Facebook Request). Other FarmVille 2 players may see your Name, Profile Picture, and how often you play FarmVille 2.
There are several different ways you can interact with Community Neighbors in FarmVille 2:
- Send them direct requests for help to complete tasks on your farm.
- Visit their farm to offer help tending Crops or Animals in exchange for Coins and Resources. You can also accept their help to do these things on your farm.
- Send them Free Gifts from the Free Gifts Page. They can also send you gifts in return, because that’s what good neighbors do!
That Sounds Great! How Do I Add Community Neighbors?
You will see a pop-up asking you if you would like to join the Farming Community. Clicking the “OK” button on this pop-up will sign you up for Community Neighbors.
If someone adds you as a Community Neighbor, you will see their requests in your FarmVille 2 inbox. If you click “Accept,” the person who sent you the request will become your Community Neighbor.
Keep in mind that participating in this feature means you can also be suggested to other Farmers as a potential neighbor. If this is not something you are interested in, please read on.
I Don’t Want Non-Facebook Friends to Add Me as a Neighbor. Can I Opt Out?
If you disable this feature, you will not be recommended as a Community Neighbor to other FarmVille 2 players and you will no longer receive Community Neighbor requests from others. You can still receive suggestions, but you will not be sharing any of your information with others unless you choose to add them.
To opt out of Community Neighbors, scroll down to the bottom of your game page and click on the “Settings’ link:
On this page, you should see a tab that says “Community Neighbors.” Click on it and uncheck the box that says “Enable Feature.”
If you were previously signed up, it may take up to 72 hours to completely remove you from the system. If at any point in the future you wish to participate in the Community Neighbors feature again, you can re-enable it by going to the Settings Tab.
Get Farming with New Friends!
Use Community Neighbors as an opportunity to connect with other Farmers you might not have gotten to meet otherwise, and make sure to have fun! Your new friends will make your farming experience more rewarding.
Happy Farming!